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The Commitment of staying green.

The operation of industrial container recycling is an inherently a green operation. Reconditioning a used container uses one third the energy and generates one quarter the amount of solid waste than manufacturing a new container.

We presently have seven independent processes that minimize our impact on the environment.

PKD: Environmental Facts

  • Manufacturing a  new drum generates 4 times more waste for landfill than reconditioning a drum.

  • Manufacturing a new drum uses 60% more energy than reconditioning a drum measured in BTU’s.

  • Manufacturing a new drum generates 70% more CO2 than reconditioning a drum.

  • Every container the PKD receives leaves as either a container or a raw material except for waste.

  • Unusable steel drums are crushed, tote cages are shredded for sale to Camden Iron.

  • Plastic drums and tote inner tanks are shredded and sold for plastic pipe manufacturing.

  • Over 5 million lbs. of recycled plastic sold in 2022 by PKD.

  • We collect rain water – use it – treat it – send it for further treatment – for final POTW discharge back into the Delaware River.

  • We recondition over 6million lbs of plastic that would otherwise go to a landfill.

  • We recondition or scrap  10 million lbs of steel that otherwise go to a landfill.

  • All waste in reconditioning/recycling process is properly contained and shipped offsite using a trusted environmental partner.

  • We are currently looking to put in a rail spur to reduce carbon footprint of trucking.

  • Green Collar Workers
    Over half of our labor forces of “green collar” workers live within walking or bicycling distance from our two factories.
  • Responsible Haul
    Trucks are dispatched so that every round trip from the factory has a front and a back haul.
  • Energy Conservations
    When production ends for the day the factories go into an energy saver mode that includes turning off of non essential lights, reducing HVAC loads, and putting boilers compressors and other equipment on standby or off altogether. Some of these processes are automated, future plans call for complete automation of energy use.
  • Water Management
    We start by collecting rain water as a feed stock to our wash operations. After its first use, we then clean it for a second use with our onsite water treatment facility. Excess treated water is shipped off site to another treatment facility that further treats it to meet discharge standards and it is discharged back into the environment.
  • Waste Water Management
    Waste water management processes include the reclamation of hydrocarbons by an offsite recycler and the washing and rinsing of residues from containers in a way to maximize the service life of the water.
  • Responsible Sourcing of Materials
    Segregating, washing, shredding, & regrinding of scrap plastic is managed logistically to provide a reliable raw material to our vendors. These vendors are audited to insure that our raw material is used in factories within the United States. There finished product may be exported but the conversion of our raw material to a finished product is done in the US. This is important in continuing the growth in the US of markets that make products from our types of plastics. There is continuing pressure from abroad for these raw materials. Shipping these materials half way around the world degrades the opportunity for reliable US supply and generates greenhouse gasses in the transportation process.
  • Sustainable Steel Resources
    Steel containers that are reconditioned require the least amount of energy use. These containers retain their original configuration. Steel containers that are remanufactured or converted from closed head to open head require more energy. These two operations are still a sustainable process as an unwanted container is converted to a wanted container replacing the need for the manufacture of a new container. Steel containers that cannot be reused are crushed to create the most efficient transportation of the scrap to the scrap yard.

General Contact

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© 2022 Patrick Kelly Drums

Created by Spotlight Marketing Solutions, LLC

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